Employers are required to have Workers Compensation but just because you're injured on the job doesn’t mean you will be compensated for your injury. It depends on if your employer has this coverage and some people like agricultural workers and independent contractors are not covered at all. How do you know when you should be compensated when you get injured on the job. Below are seven things to know about Workers Compensation.

1-Make sure to report your injury to the right people at the business you work at making sure to fill out the right paperwork. Make sure your boss or the person that handles the paperwork in these manners is notified. Fill out any papers needed for your injury or work related sickness and they should tell you where to go to have your incident treated.

2-Make sure to fill out the correct paperwork when you go to be treated at the hospital or clinic. Indicate on the paperwork that your incident occurred on the job so the medical bills are sent to the workers compensation insurance company.

3- When you go to be treated initially make sure you list all parts of the body that are affected, if you leave out any of the details the workers compensation company will not pay for the treatments. These medical records have to include the correct descriptions to be properly compensated and make sure the person treating you knows you are applying for workers compensation.

4-Check with your employer about the workers compensation program and have them explain the program to you and all the details relating to it. Read about the program and make sure to understand it. Check with the local workers compensation office and read about the information they have posted online.

5-You won’t necessary need to hire a lawyer to get your money. The states decide the amount of payouts based on your particular injury. The doctor will decide on how disabled you are and this will determine your compensation for the injury you have.

6-Getting a big payout for your injury is rare. Individual states set limits on what you can get in a workers compensation payout. You most likely will get what you make for missing work plus compensation for any medical bills you might have. You can work with a lawyer to make sure you get all the money you deserve as laws can be complicated.

7-Most workers that cheat on their workers compensation eventually will get caught. Employers and insurance companies make visits and use camera monitoring to see if you are cheating them. If you do get caught it can mean time spent in jail. The use of special fraud units can make it easy to find out the facts.

Knowing about the real facts of Workers Compensation can help you succeed a lot easier in collecting your money for these injuries or illnesses. Following these basic concepts will make it easy.